As if there weren't enough delays on Commercial Road, Penryn at the moment, there was an even bigger surprise this morning when drivers encountered a swan strolling down the road.

Penryn resident Michelle Dunne encountered the young swan sauntering down the road this morning as she took her three dogs out.

Cars heading towards Trelusswell were forced to stop after waiting at the traffic lights at the bridge as drivers waiting on the other side of the road looked on in bemusement.

Michelle told the Packet: "It sauntered down the middle of the road towards the lights. I couldn’t follow it as I had my three dogs with me and they’d have scared it.

I’d seen two swans/cygnets flying overhead just beforehand and then just saw this one coming down the road. It still had some brown feathers so not fully adult. Don’t know if separated or lost."

On top of that problems with the traffic lights have also been reported to be stuck on red with contractors forced to use hand signals to guide traffic through, although this has yet to be confirmed.

South West Water are currently working to replace sewers along Commercial Road causing long delays for traffic and causing a drop in trade for businesses.