A plan to extend a 20-year-old Gypsy and Traveller site has been opposed by the local parish council and the area’s Cornwall councillor, who claim it is inappropriate for its location near St Austell and could lead to road safety issues near an activity park used by children.

Mr H Crocker has applied to Cornwall Council to extend the site at The Paddock, St Stephen Road, Sticker, to include six mobile homes, four day rooms, five touring caravans and one plant room. The matter will be discussed by the council’s central area planning committee on Monday, April 8, after being called in for the members’ decision by local councillor Michael Bunney.

He is concerned the proposal is “inappropriate, because of its location, as it represents over-development of the site and is contrary to St Mewan Neighbourhood Development Plan. The over-development will also adversely affect the natural environment and character of the area.”

Cllr Bunney also believes there is an unsafe access onto busy St Stephen’s Road, which is close to Sticker Activity Park where many children play.

St Mewan Parish Council also objected due to over-development of the site, “incorrect location for this development which will create additional traffic close to the Activity Park, a fast road that is used by walkers, horse riders, etc. Inadequate parking on site which could produce overspill onto the verges or neighbouring land”.

The parish council also disputes the land is currently a Gypsy and Traveller site, claiming it was given temporary permission for one family. It states: “The council has concerns regarding contamination of the site as a result of illegal disposal of waste and request that the Environment Agency be consulted about this matter. Noise concerns with the generator and there are currently no services on site except one inadequate septic tank.”

However, the application has been recommended for approval subject to conditions by Cornwall Council’s planning department.

Case officer Alex Lawrey said: “The site is pre‐existing and has been in lawful use as a Gypsy and Traveller site for more than 20 years and the proposal would not extend the area of the plot, only changing the numbers and type of structures within it, so whilst there would be some landscape impacts these would be relatively minor and detrimental impacts could be effectively offset and mitigated with additional soft plantings. All the existing hedges and trees are mature and views into the site are limited so landscape impacts would be minor.”

The council believes the proposal would help meet an identified need in Cornwall for additional Gypsy and Traveller pitches, is of appropriate size and proportionate scale to the nearby village and is located within a reasonable distance to services and facilities. This weighs in favour of approving the application, according to the officer.

“The proposal would increase the intensity of use of the site and would add additional traffic to a minor rural road. However, subject to improved visibility splays this is not considered to represent a material risk to highway safety. The council’s highways officer has raised no objection,” a planning report adds.