Police have issued a warning revellers attending the Tune in the Dunes 2024 festival next weekend not to drive home after the event while still under the influence of alcohol.

The music festival on the beach at Perranporth with headliners McFly, Craig David and Ocean Colour Scene runs from May 17-19.

Police are strongly encouraging those attending to pre-plan their journeys home and nominate a sober driver before attending the festival in a bid to ensure the roads are kept safe and free from drink and drug drivers.

The neighbourhood police team working across Truro and Perranporth will be attending the event to provide a visible presence and support the festival security team.

The police didn’t receive any reports of incidents from Tunes in the Dunes last year, however officers did make arrests in relation to traffic offences in the local area.

The additional support from the police aims to keep the crime rate low within the event and ensure no anti-social behaviour takes place so people can enjoy their time at the festival.

Perranporth’s Beat Manager Police Constable (PC) Karen Lovell said “Our officers will be attending Tunes in the Dunes at Perranporth beach across all three days of the event to provide visible reassurance to the public, and ensure the event is enjoyed by all. We work closely with event organisers and local key players to ensure this event is as safe as possible.

“We urge people to make sensible choices in relation to drinking before driving when visiting Tunes in the Dunes. We take a zero-tolerance approach to drink and drug driving, and patrols will be taking place on key exit routes from the festival to prevent drink and drug driving from taking place.”

The police say they are taking a proactive approach to policing one of the biggest events for the Truro area.

Increased numbers of community and traffic officers have been put in place across all three days of the event to increase visibility of the police and prevent anti-social behaviour and criminal activity from taking place.

PC Lovell added: “In previous years, there haven’t been any reported incidents from the event itself, however there have been a number of traffic offences in surrounding areas detected by officers, including multiple arrests for drink and drug driving.

“Our key message is do not drive home if you have had a drink- the risk to yourselves and others is far greater than the inconvenience of arranging a lift home.”