The family of former Royal Marine Jim Henderson have said that “his flame will continue to burn brightly” ahead of his funeral this Wednesday.

Security professional James Henderson, known to all as Jim, died in Gaza while supporting the World Central Kitchen charity.

He was brought up in Mabe and attended school in Penryn, becoming a member of Penryn Rugby Club and Falmouth & Penryn Boxing Club, which is being renamed the Henderson Boxing Academy in his honour. 

Jim’s funeral service will take place at Truro Cathedral this Wednesday, May 22 at 12 noon.

His family, including parents Trish and Neil, and his fiancé Jacqui, have extended an invitation to anyone wishing to pay their respects at the service.

Alternatively, people are welcome to line the streets between Boscawen Street and High Cross (outside Truro Cathedral).

The cortège will travel down Lemon Street at roughly 11.35am.

There will be family flowers only, although donations in lieu of flowers can be made to World Central Kitchen.

Donations can be made via, on the day via retiring collection, or through funeral directors Penryn & Falmouth Funeral Directors.

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Ahead of the service, Jim’s fiancée Jacqui, and the Henderson family, have released the following statement, via Devon and Cornwall Police, saying: “It’s not the size of the candle but the brightness of its flame that counts and this couldn’t be more true than when we think about Jim.

“Whilst he was taken from us far too soon, and with so much more to achieve in his life, we gain comfort in knowing that he lived every minute of his time on earth, to the fullest extent.

“The thousands of messages we have received from all parts of the globe bear testament to what we already know, and had the privilege of witnessing daily, at close quarters.

“As a boy he embraced his time at school and was passionate about sport, in particular rugby, and that passion never left him. As he grew in to the incredible man he became, he followed his dreams by joining The Royal Marines and saw front-line action in Afghanistan. Never one to sit still, as new opportunities came his way, he took hold of each one, and approached it with his trademark enthusiasm.

“Through everything Jim did, at the heart of it was people. Whether it was children starting out in rugby or boxing, or those less fortunate than he was, it was people who drove Jim to want to do more, and be better.

Falmouth Packet: Jim competing in the boxing ringJim competing in the boxing ring

“It was this drive that took him to Gaza in support of World Central Kitchen, and those so badly affected by the conflict in the region. Whilst we will never comprehend his loss, we know that he died doing something that mattered to him, he was making a difference and for that, at least, we are grateful.

“Above all others, those that mattered most to Jim were his fiancée Jacqui, and his family. ‘Proud’ does not come close to expressing how we all feel for what Jim achieved, and we know would have gone to achieve.

“Whilst mourning the loss of him, and what he would have undoubtedly continued to do with his life, we also reflect on his legacy and the many people who will continue to benefit from what he started.

“We love him. We miss him. We celebrate his achievements. We know that his flame will continue to burn brightly in each and every one of us as we look to a future without his larger-than-life presence in it.”