Firefighters have spent the night dealing with a property fire in Breage after multiple 999 calls to the scene were received.

The first call came in at 1.30am with the crew from Helston the first to arrive. They realised they were going to need help to tackle the blaze and crews from Penzance and Tolvaddon as well as a wholetime officer were despatched. At this time there were four crews fighting the fire.

By 3.10am the incident commander requested additional help to keep the fire under control and a fifth appliance from Mullion was despatched along with a water carrier from Helston.

By 6.10am the fire had been brought under control and the incident scaled back with appliances returning to their bases with one pump remaining at the scene. There are no reports of any casualties.

A report from Cornwall Fire and Rescue Service said: “Multiple calls received to reports of a property fire in Breage. On arrival of the first appliance an informative message stated that further assistance would be required. Currently 4 crews from Helston, Tolvaddon and Penzance are in attendance along with a Wholetime Officer.

“Update at 03:10 - The Incident Commander requested additional resources for this incident - a fifth appliance from Mullion along with a Water Carrier from Helston are now in attendance. The property fire has been sectorised and fire fighting still in progress - 2x breathing apparatus and 2x hose reels in use. Good progress is being made.

“Update at 06:10 - The incident will be scaling back shortly with appliances returning to their home stations. One pumping appliance will remain on scene.”