A popular local café has revealed that is will soon be opening in a new location.

The manager of The Garden Kitchen Café, which was previously based at Trevena Cross Nurseries in Breage until the start of this year, has announced that he will be opening in Porthleven this summer.

The café will be moving in to the site of the Harbour View Café, next to the Ship Inn, and will be known as Harbour View Cafe and Cakes.

Derek Fox told the Packet that he was delighted to finally be able to announce the news, which had been kept heavily under wraps until this point.

The café is continuing to trade under its current owners until June 23, and Derek then hopes to open for the last weekend in June, or at the very start of July.

He said he was looking forward to welcoming back customers who had been waiting for this news, as well as meeting new ones, adding: “It’s all official now. It's been a while!"

Customers can expect to see a mix of existing café staff and three or four familiar faces from before.

There will also be a merging of menus, with dishes from the existing Harbour View menu continuing while also featuring Garden Kitchen Café favourites.

Garden Kitchen customers will no doubt be pleased to learn that the impressive homemade cakes will be a big feature of the new café and many of the most popular dishes, such as homemade cottage pie, lasagne, chowder and wraps, will be featuring on the menu, with the cooked breakfast being served all day.

The cafe's impressive cakes will be making a returnThe cafe's impressive cakes will be making a return (Image: Google Street View/Garden Kitchen Cafe)

During the summer Derek plans to open seven days a week, from 8am, to cater for walkers, swimmers and holidaymakers looking for breakfast, and will play it by ear on closing time, although it will be at least 4pm to 5pm each day.

He also hopes to open two evenings a week during the peak season, “just to offer something a bit different – a bit cheaper and a bit more relaxed.”

“We want to aim it at people who don’t have such a big budget if they’re on holiday, or locals that don’t want to go high-end all the time – just an informal bite to eat in the evenings,” he explained.

Derek said that once settled in, he would like to do more with the community, perhaps hosting a regular drop-in session with the local PCSO, or using the space in the evenings for local groups when not open as a café.

Updates on the café, including a firm open date, will be posted on the café’s Facebook page, currently still The Garden Kitchen Café but changing soon to Harbour View Cafe and Cakes.