There was “absolute chaos” on Antron Hill at Mabe Burnthouse this morning at the start of road closure set to last six days.

Closure signs only went up yesterday, according to local residents, that Antron Hill is expected to be closed until June 16 to allow sewer connection works to take place.

Cornwall Council says the prohibition from Cunningham Park down to Asda will be in force 24 hours a day, weekends included.

The closure effects Antron Hill, Mabe Burnthouse between the junctions of Treliever Road and Cunningham Park. Diversions are in place and pedestrian and vehicular access will be maintained to properties.

People are being warned to use alternative routes out of the village especially at school drop off time and rush hour, as some drivers use the village as a cut through. There have been reports of heavy congestion this morning.

“Use alternative routes out of the village but be warned there is congestion as everyone who uses our village as a cut through is now queuing up by Kingston way,” warned one resident of Cunningham Park on Facebook.

She said the school was still accessible but to be careful turning in as people were using Cunningham Park to turn around.

“Absolute chaos,” said another resident.

Another resident said: “I live on Cunningham Park and they are using the entire estate to turn around… it’s ridiculous.”

The work comes as major road improvement works start in Mylor Bridge today that are expected to last nearly a month.

This morning the bridge into the village was sealed off with drivers now forced to go all the way round Enys if they want to get to the other side of the village, although there is access for residents who live on the road.

Falmouth Packet: Mylor Bridge was closed to traffic this morningMylor Bridge was closed to traffic this morning (Image: Alfie Armstrong)

Major works to install traffic calming and pavements through the centre of Mylor Bridge will close the road for nearly a month.

From today Lemon Hill in Mylor Bridge will be closed to traffic to allow improvement works to the section of road between the bridge itself and Trevellan Road. The work is expected to last until July 3.