A SECOND vigil for the innocent victims of the invasion of Gaza by Israel has seen 100 people gather on The Moor in Falmouth, to show their solidarity.

The first vigil, held on Saturday, January 10, involved 80 people while the second, staged on Saturday, saw more than 100 turning up, including Falmouth and Camborne MP Julia Goldsworthy.

Paul Walker, who helped organise the event, said: “The overwhelming majority of passers-by were supportive, and a total of £347 was raised for the Red Cross Gaza Appeal.

“The tone of the vigil was very much that the people of Palestine need justice and freedom more than charity.”

The vigil included a number of two- minute silences, speeches, street art and opportunities for discussion.

Mr Walker told the Packet: “People also brought along old shoes, which were thrown at cardboard models of military weapons, British arms manufacturers, and the leaders of Israel, Britain and the USA, to symbolise our shame at their complicity in the violence."

As part of the protest campaign, the shoes, along with the photo graphs, will be sent to the Israeli Embassy in London.

Miss Goldsworthy said: “It was heart-warming to see so many people in Falmouth drawing attention to the humanitarian plight of people in Gaza.

“Although a unilateral ceasefire has now been announced by the Israeli Government, our government and the international community needs to demonstrate their commitment towards establishing long term peace in this part of the world."