WOMEN’S INSTITUTE: Members had a delightful birthday party in the grounds of Truthwall, by kind permission of David and Sheila Goldsworthy. The afternoon was warm and sunny, and all enjoyed a cookery demonstration by Janet Rapson from the Pampered Chef, an interesting talk by Liz Andersen, proxy delegate to the National AGM in Cardiff, as well as the company of old friends and members. There was a raffle and bring-and-buy and excellent food provided by Sheila Goldsworthy and family.

SCHOOL: Welcome back after a half-term of good weather This half-term promises to be as busy as ever with sporting events, sports day, summer fayre, trips to London, Newquay Zoo and Trevaskis Farm, leaver’s assembly, open afternoon and transition sessions for pupils to experience their next class.

Following the success of last term’s theme days, Chartwells has launched their ‘World Cup promotions’. On Friday, June 18 and Wednesday, June 23 there will be special menus and posters will go up nearer the time. There will also be a competition to design a strip.

JUNIOR CHURCH: The guest preacher for the Junior Church Anniversary was Stephanie Gordon from Breage. Choruses were enjoyed beforehand with Gerald Verran at the piano. The theme for lessons in June will be “healing power”.

Mr Taylor from the Leprosy Mission will be visiting the Church in August. Used postage stamps will be gratefully received to pass on to him.

BINGO: Sessions will take place at Leedstown Village hall at 7.30pm on June 25, July 23, August 27, September 24 and October 22.

HOSPICE: On Sunday, July 4 at 2.30pm there will be a garden fete in aid of Cornwall Hospices, run by the Gwinear, Crowan and Godolphin Support Group, at Higher Drym, Leedstown. This is by kind permission of Leonard and Lorraine Thomas. Music will be by the group Stable Minds. All the customary stalls will be there and delicious refreshments. Admission is free.

Before this event, again to raise funds by the GCG Support Group, Camborne Town Band will play at the St Aubyn Arms, Praze, on Friday, June 10 at 7.30pm. There will also be a barbecue, Hospice stall and raffle.

LUMC: The Walking Group will be supporting a Christian Aid sponsored walk on June 19 in aid of the chapel. If you would like to sponsor the walkers, contact Melville Morse on 01209 831561 or Jackie Paul on 01736 850787. Please meet at LUMC at 2pm for an easy four-mile walk from St Erth Church, via the RSPB Reserve to Hayle Plantation and Mill Pond, then back to the cars at St Erth.

At the end of May there was a funeral service at the chapel and a celebration of the life of Minnie Lilian Hill from Leedstown, who was 96. This was followed by cremation at Penmount. The service was conducted by the Rev Colin Short and donations were for the Precious Lives Appeal.