Members and two visitors were welcomed at the June meeting. A birthday posy was presented to Jenny Smith. Jenny was a delegate at the National Council Resolutions Meeting in Cardiff and she gave a very precise and interesting report.

The speaker David Barlow was introduced by Frances Johns. David’s topic was Minnehaha, the Bishop and the Lizard. David explained the Minnehaha was a luxury liner which went aground on rocks in 1910. The Bishop was the lighthouse which the captain thought was close to the rocks and the Lizard was the Lizard Wireless Station which took the SOS signal from the ship. In actual fact the ship went aground on Scilla Rock on Bryher the Isles of Scilly. The passengers, crew and cargo of cattle were saved but some of the expensive items including a motor car and piano were lost.The ship was eventually refloated but sadly was sunk during WW1. David answered many questions. David and Diana Barlow then showed a few slides of the disaster in Haiti. Of great interest to the members were the slides showing the ShelterBox tents providing shelter for the victims. The talk was enjoyed by all.

During delicious refreshments served by Diana Barlow and Lynda Lee, David judged the competition. Marian Jennings and Brenda Lawrence shared first place. Flowers of the month: 1, Rita Calvert; 2, Jenny Smith; 3, Josie Trounson. A reminder that husbands, partners and friends are welcome to the walk to Poltesco in lieu of a meeting on July 1. Everyone to meet in the village hall car park at 6.30pm and bring a picnic.

Visitors and new members are sure of a warm welcome. Meetings are on the first Thursday of each month in Cury village hall at 7.30pm.