MAWGAN PARISH CHURCH: The eucharist on Sunday was celebrated by the Rector, the Rev Lesley Walker. Her sermon, reflecting the reading from Luke, discussed the image of churchgoers and the damage that can be caused by taking the moral high ground on issues that have two sides. We must take stock of our image and with God’s help consider how we can improve it, proclaim our faith and bring more people to church. The communion elements were presented by Kevin and Christopher Roberts and lessons were read by Wendy Bailey and the Rev Len Jepp. The organ was played by Pat Jepp.

Sunday’s service will be Morning Prayer at 11.15am taken by Mr Jepp.

MAWGAN FEAST WEEK SUNDAY: The whole village was looking suitably festive with much bunting in evidence on Sunday evening as Mawgan Feast Week started with a service at the War Memorial led by the Rector of the Meneage, the Rev Lesley Walker.

There were around 40 people gathered including Commander Rob Knill representing RNAS Culdrose. As the service commenced a ray of sunshine broke through the rather gloomy clouds and the rain held off. Hymns were accompanied by the Gweek Silver Band and posies were laid on the memorial by representatives of all the village organisations. After the service everyone moved to the Recreation Hall where the Gweek Band entertained, indoors this year, with a variety of favourites including Beatles songs and The Floral Dance.

The evening finished with tea and biscuits in the hall and everyone looking forward to tomorrow night’s concert in the church with the St Keverne Male Voice Choir.