Members and four brave husbands were transported to a very different world by Gary Bullen, who had come along to talk about extreme environments, the North and South Poles.

Gary has been to both locations on numerous occasions, but the big one was 18 months ago when he and his team of three trekked 400 miles across the North Arctic, walking some 17 hours a day in sub zero temperatures!

They came third in this race and there was a series on BBC TV about it. He now goes out to the North Arctic twice a year for six weeks each time, where he trains many celebrities, including the presenters of Top Gear.

Everyone was enthralled with Gary’s talk, illustrated with slides taken on his expeditions. He was given a warm thank you; he needed it after all those sub zero temperatures!

It is hoped he will give his thank you token to his wife for being so patient and understanding, letting him go away all the time. Garry will be bringing his wife and three boys to the club coffee morning on Saturday, July 3, 10am to 12 noon, when he will be introduced to the Mayor Geoffrey Evans, who will be opening the morning at Bosvale Community Centre. All proceeds for CHSW Precious Lives Appeal.

Members looks forward to giving you all a very warm welcome, some friends have been coming for 17 years.

A member’s pasty supper is being held on July 8 followed by bingo at 7.30pm at Bosvale Community Centre.