Four regulars at a Camborne pub are hoping to stay sharp and make the most of their darts playing skills to break a Guinness World Record.

Despite usually being more associated with the drink of the same name, the Vyvyan Arms on the corner of Trelowarren Street and Wesley Street – known locally as the Top House – hopes to break the world record for the longest darts marathon.

The current record stands at 32 hours and 14 minutes, involving two pairs who played 167 games of darts ‘cricket’ in Queensland, Australia.

The intrepid quartet hoping to better this is Matthew Flynn from Camborne, Billy Sowden from Camborne, Billy Francis from Camborne and Steve Chapman from Falmouth. All four play in Redruth & District darts league and to prepare they have been playing four hours of darts every night for the last three weeks.

The record attempt is the brainchild of Matthew, the group’s leader, who in June this year went onto the Guinness World Record website to see what records were available to be broken.

Although a number of people were initially keen, they quickly lost interest when it became clear exactly how long the attempt was going to take.

The remaining four must now use everything available to them to keep going for more than a day and half of darts playing. If just one person drops out the attempt is over.

To help them stay alert the team will be drinking plenty of black coffee and energy drinks, eating carbohydrates – and have been banned from drinking any beer until the attempt is over!

The record attempt will start at 6am on Tuesday, November 2 – following a fried breakfast to set them up for the long run – and will continue through the night. The Packet will be there to cover the event, with coverage in the paper and online.

The attempt will be recorded and sent to Guinness once completed. The team are looking for someone to help them out with the video. Call Matthew at the Vyvyan Arms on 01209 712460 to volunteer help.

There is more than just the challenge behind the attempt, however. Money raised from it will be split between Prostate Cancer and the Bolenowe Animal Sanctuary on The Lizard.

To boost the total, raffle tickets are being sold at £1 per strip of five, from the Vyvyan Arms on the above number. Prizes include a brand new child’s bike, new fishing gear, car servicing through dealers in the area and various bottles of alcohol.