A groundworks and civil engineering contractors has applied for a licence to set up an operating centre near Camborne. 

Located on Gas Lane, Tolvaddon, K Hough Contractors wishes to use the Valley Motors site as an operating centre for three goods vehicles and five trailers.

It has applied for a goods vehicle operator's licence in order to do so. 

This was revealed in a public notice posted on the Public Notice Portal on December 20.

You can see public notices in your area, including alcohol licensing, probate and good vehicle licences via the Public Notice Portal: https://publicnoticeportal.uk/falmouth-penryn-packet

Land owners or occupiers near the place in question, who believe their use or enjoyment will be affected, can make written representations.

They have until January 10 to respond in writing to the Traffic Commissioner, Hillcrest House, Leeds LS9 6NF.

A copy should also be sent to the applicant at the following address: Valley Motors, Gas Lane, Tolvaddon, Cornwall, TR14 0BJ.

For a guide on how to make representations, find out more from the Traffic Commissioner's Office.