PRIME Minister Rishi Sunak, a man whose wealth could buy a small island nation, although not if it involved using a contactless payment system, graced Cornwall with his presence last week.

During his somewhat less colourful Magical Mystery Tour of the Duchy, members of the local press were essentially barred from asking the plethora of questions they had regarding the cost of living crisis, second homes, or local government funding.

They were also barred from attending or taking pictures at a number of the locations the Prime Minister visited, including a struggling preschool in one of the country's most deprived areas. Now why would the leader of the country do such a thing?

Perhaps Sunak feared the toddlers might ask inconvenient questions about rising living costs or the state of the NHS, questions he wouldn't have answers for.

Also on the agenda on his whirlwind tour of press-free proselytism was a visit to Cornwall College, backed up by outgoing MP George Eustice and his ever-eager sidekick-come-prospective parliamentary candidate - Donny-boy!

Sunak, ever the hands-on leader, learned the art of body painting cars. Because what better way to connect with young people than pretending to be a slightly less-coordinated Banksy? Skills, Rishi, skills!

So, did Sunak achieve anything? Well, he got some nice pictures, avoided some tough questions, and maybe even learned how to (sort of) body paint a car. As for the people of Cornwall, they're left with the same old problems and a lingering taste of disappointment.