In a move that redefines the term 'dim-witted', Cornwall Council has decided to turn off or dim street lights in a bid to save money and reduce emissions.

Ah, the sweet irony! The very council that is supposed to illuminate our paths is now leading us into darkness, quite literally. The council, in its infinite wisdom, believes that this will help combat climate change.

But one can't help but wonder if they've considered the potential risks to public safety. Are we now expected to navigate our streets with night-vision goggles? Perhaps the council could start issuing those instead of parking permits.

It's a classic case of penny wise, pound foolish. Yes, the council might save a few bucks on electricity, but what about the potential increase in accidents and crime rates? Or does the council believe that criminals also care about carbon footprints and won't venture out in the dark? A

nd let's not forget the elderly and visually impaired, for whom well-lit streets are not a luxury, but a necessity. But hey, as long as the council's balance sheet is in the green, who cares about the increased risk to the most vulnerable members of our society, right?

While reducing emissions is a noble goal, the council's approach leaves much to be desired. It's high time they switched on their thinking caps, instead of switching off our street lights.