The weather masters shone, Sunday dawned almost too warm, dare we suggest, so a sea breeze was top of the conversation before racing at Restronguet Sailing Club Harbour Race, writes Ian Symonds

Richard Taylor, race officer, took to the water in Oyster and worked his mind around the conditions to set as challenging a race as he was able. The wind was very light, three to 12 knots from the south; this is normally a good direction for the club sailors but maybe a touch too gentle.

Despite the calm airs 27 boats launched to enjoy the sunshine and simply being on the water.

The RS Aeros and Turbo fleets set the standard for particpants, excellent to see this and some footage on one of the club’s social media outlets showed the International 14 with its massive sail area making good speed.

In a conversation before racing with one of its crew, holding what looked like a glue gun, it was admitted that hasty repairs had just been carried out in the hope the heat would set the glue – clearly this strategy worked well.

In the final analysis Simon Loveridge got the bullet in the RS Aero fleet and Peter Knight in his B14 the turbo fleet win; not the International 14 that was second.

The Lasers saw a good race narrowly taken on the handicap as Poppy, Geoff and Sydney raced a nice tight race. Andy Aston and Adrian Bolton were first and second in the catamarans respectively.

In the slow handicap Felix, crewed by Martin and Isabelle and Rosie, took honours in the Mirror fleet.

The Firefly fleet was quiet ahead of the SW Championship next weekend seeing only Sohpie and Alan out and not surprisingly taking the win. The asymmetric fleet was also lower on numbers with Milly and Taryn taken first, Kyle and Maddie second.

Next weekend, the bank holiday, sees RSC hosting the SW Firefly Championship over the three days of the holiday. Full details and how to enter on the club website.