ST PETER'S CHURCH: The Holy Communion Service held on Sunday, was celebrated by the Rev Andrew Stevenson, Priest-in-Charge, who, during the service, lit the third candle of Advent. In his address, he told the congregation that on this Sunday, the Third of Advent, we remember traditionally John the Baptist who came to prepare the way for Jesus. Although a New Testament figure, John was, in reality, the last of the Old Testament prophets and preached a message of repentance as a means of preparation for the coming Messiah.

The season of Advent is all about preparation. The way we can best prepare for the celebration of the birth of Jesus is, like those to whom John spoke, to consider carefully those parts of our lives that come between us and God and repent of them. That is, to turn away from them, put them behind us and be ready for a fresh start and a renewed relationship with Emmanuel - God with us.

The lessons were read by Edward James and Gennie Peters, Angela Brown composed and read the Intercessions and the organist was Sid Bryant. Christmas services - Christmas Eve (December 24): Children’s service, 4pm; Midnight Mass, 11.30pm. Christmas Day: Holy Communion, 10am. First Sunday of Christmas (December 27): Holy Communion, 9am. A very warm welcome is extended to everyone to all these services.

.NANKERSEY CHOIR CONCERT: 0n Sunday, December 20, the choir will be giving its traditional Christmas Concert at 7.30pm in St Peter's Church. This year, the concert is in aid of The Church Army and there will be a guest soloist. Refreshments will be served afterwards.

FLUSHING METHODIST CHURCH: On Sunday, the Sunday School held its annual Carol Service which was very well attended by families and friends. The service was led by the Sunday School Superintendent, Maureen Jackett, and organist and accompanist for the children was Christopher Bennett. The theme of the service was "Celebration", reflecting on the birthday of Jesus. At the beginning of the service the children sang "Christmastime is here" as Emily and Zanna lit the third Advent Candle. After the singing of "The Birthday of Jesus" in which the soloist was Sorcha Yates, the congregation celebrated the birthday of one of its oldest members, Olga Kilgour. As the children sang their birthday song, Isabel and Alex presented her with a card and the congregation sang her choice of the carol "Once in Royal David's City".

The highlight of the service was the performance of the Christmas play performed in two halves by senior and junior members of the Sunday School. "The Wisdom of the Wise", a comedy with a strong message telling that Jesus came for simple folk as well as the wise, was performed by Sorcha Yates, Cathleen Devereux and Emily Hotchkiss as The Three Wise Men. This was followed by the mime "Jesus' First Christmas Party" with Cathleen as narrator and Dominic Hotchkiss as an irascible innkeeper who eventually, after sending many travellers into the stable, he himself became won over by the new born baby. The role of Mary was played by Summer Young who sang a lullaby solo and also a duet with Zanna Pixton as Joseph. The angel was Ellie Cahill and shepherds were Paige Johns and Sophia White. Disturbing the slumbers of the innkeeper were Suki Pixton as the star and the village children, Isabel Wicks, Rhys Johns and Alex Penny.

Concluding in party mode the congregation donned party hats, the children received balloons bearing the message "Happy Birthday, Jesus!" as more balloons dropped from the gallery onto the congregation and everyone joined in singing "Come and Join the Celebration". The service concluded with the children singing around the manger "Away in a Manger".

Christmas services – December 20, 6pm the Rev Arthur Cowburn will be leading a family Carol Service. December 24, 6pm, "Candelight Service" with carols interspersed by readings from members of village organisations. December 25, 10.30am the Rev Peter Facer will lead an informal service of Family Worship. Everyone is welcome and children are asked to bring along a favourite Christmas gift to show.

A warm welcome awaits everyone at all these services.

"CAROLS IN THE BARN" AT TREGEW FARM: As soon as one entered the barn for this children's special service in aid of the NSPCC and led by the Rev Andrew Stevenson, Priest-in-Charge at St Peter's Church, one could feel the atmosphere immediately, especially as the weather was "cold and crisp and even". Huge round hay bales surrounded the inside of the barn and small oblong ones were placed on the floor on which people could sit. The children from Flushing C of E School were involved in the singing. Sid Bryant played the keyboard accompanied by Luke Stevenson on the trumpet and James Stevenson sang the first verse of “Once in Royal David's City”.

Many people filled the barn and joined in heartily with the carol singing. Rodney Myers recited a poem called "Timothy Winter" by Charles Causley, the children sang "Who is that knocking" and Anne and Jonathan Brunyee performed "The Gifts of Christmas" by Lois Rock. Before the last carol was sung, Sandra Myers, who organised the event together with her friends, thanked everyone for their support on behalf of the NSPCC. Mulled wine, lemonade, mince pies and homemade cookies were served afterwards. Grateful thanks go to John and Sheila Newton for allowing their barn to be used.