Hundreds of people braved the wet and windy weather on Saturday to remember the life of a true RNAS Culdrose Football Club legend.

More than 70 football players – young and old from Helston and Culdrose football teams – took part in several tournaments to remember the life of Richard 'Wilkie' Wilkinson, who passed away in 2022 at the age of 48.

Falmouth Packet: Match cups in front of Wilkie's memorial at Culdrose FC Match cups in front of Wilkie's memorial at Culdrose FC (Image: NQ)

The second Richard 'Wilkie' Wilkinson 2nd Veterans Memorial Cup 23/24 event, held at RNAS Culdrose Football Club, was organized by Shaun Parker ("Fez") and Aiden Campbell.

This year, £1,300 was raised and will be donated to The British Heart Foundation and Jay's Aim, a charity that works to reduce the rate of sudden cardiac deaths by offering defibrillator training and screening.

Falmouth Packet: Shaun 'Fez' Parker with Niall Wilkinson, son of Wilkie Shaun 'Fez' Parker with Niall Wilkinson, son of Wilkie (Image: NQ | Shaun Parker)

The day’s matches began with games from Culdrose FC and Helston FC’s youth teams, followed by the highly anticipated exhibition match and the second Wilkie's Memorial Cup game between Culdrose and Helston. Adam Stott from Culdrose FC and Chris Breasley from Helston FC were named Man of the Match.

Falmouth Packet: The family of Wilkie at the event The family of Wilkie at the event (Image: NQ | Shaun Parker)

There was plenty of entertainment for both kids and adults with two bouncy castles, a climbing wall, music from Georgia Lewis, and an emotional music set by Wilkie's brother Chris and his daughter Katie, who performed one of Wilkie’s favourites, "Wonderwall."

Wilkie's wife Sasha, their two children Niall and Taygen, and other family members who had travelled from across the UK were in attendance.

Falmouth Packet: Celebrations after the games Celebrations after the games (Image: NQ | Shaun Parker)

Shaun said he was "blown away" by the event and thanked those who helped make the day a success.

"Absolutely blown away by the memorial event yesterday – it was incredible! Truly, a day to remember," he said.

"The brilliantly contested youth matches, superb music acts, climbing wall, amazing food, the highly anticipated exhibition match, and the 2nd Wilkie Memorial Cup game between Culdrose and Helston – each one contributed to making this a special day for everyone involved.

"I’d like to thank everyone who came, Lyndsey and Jamie for the food, the captain of Culdrose for letting us hold the event, Georgia Lewis for her set, Aiden my co-organizer for helping set it up, Ian and Gemma for the climbing wall, and Wilkie’s family."