An author and award-winning journalist from Rosudgeon has released her latest novel.

Teresa Hunter announced the latest book in her Julia Lighthorn series of novels, titled 'Take a Thousand Cuts.'

The book opens and closes in Cornwall, as well as travelling to exotic locations in the far east such as Hong Kong and communist China.

After introducing her heroine in her first book 'Dead Money,' Teresa's new novel tackles topical issues, such as global greed and human rights abuses in Hong Kong and China, particularly relevant after last week's G7 Leaders Summit.

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In a review of the novel, best-selling thriller writer Mark Leggatt said: "An international high-action high-voltage thriller, and a roller coaster of a ride from the City of London to the back streets of Hong Kong.

"Set amongst superbly drawn locations and real politics, Julia Longhorn’s investigation with Chief Inspector Pitcher uncovers a deadly conspiracy involving a Triad Banking Empire.

"Millions have been made on the Far East money markets, but when the crash came, millions have been wiped out in hours.

"And for the Triad Dragon Masters, that means someone has to pay.

"And you don’t want to get in their way.

"An absolutely cracking read!"

Teresa's new novel is available from

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