WORKS to make one of the busiest roads in Helston safer for residents will start next Monday. 

After four years, the “long-awaited” works on the pedestrian refuge island on Meneage Road will begin on October 9 and will last until late November. 

Cornwall Councillor Guy Foreman shared a Facebook post on Friday (October 6) explaining where and when the works will take place. It said: “Works on the long-awaited Pedestrian Refuge Island on Meneage Road will start Monday 9th and last until late November.

“This will be under two-way traffic light control day and night so expect traffic congestion.”

In the post, Councillor Foreman also shared a picture of the development proposal, which seems to show that the island crossing will be located just outside of Helston Cemetery.

Falmouth Packet: Picture of the proposal of works on Meneage Road in Helston Picture of the proposal of works on Meneage Road in Helston (Image: Cornwall Council)The road has been described in the past as “not fit for pedestrians” and “dangerous” by residents, Pam Schofield and Sharron Hough who launched the petition in 2019 calling for a crossing to be installed.

At the time, Sharron told the Packet: “A lot of the mothers have said they can’t let their children walk to or from school as it’s too dangerous.”

She also pointed out that it wasn’t just children struggling to cross either, with elderly people trying to visit the cemetery having “no hope”.

Falmouth Packet: Pam Schofield and Sharron Hough gathered more than 560 signatures calling for a crossing on Helston's Meneage Road in 2019Pam Schofield and Sharron Hough gathered more than 560 signatures calling for a crossing on Helston's Meneage Road in 2019 "I stopped a young lad when gathering signatures and he said he works at Sainsbury's and has been waiting ten minutes before being able to cross the road," she added.

Pam also said it was difficult for people on mobility scooters, saying: "One woman said she just shut her eyes and went for it."

The pair acknowledged that there would be a cost involved, but Sharron added: "What price life?”


Residents urge council to listen to safety concerns after lollipop lady resigns

Petition for crossing on 'dangerous' Meneage Road, Helston

More than two years later, residents urged both Cornwall Council and Cormac to address the safety issue after the lollipop lady on Meneage Road resigned citing a number of near misses with vehicles that had her fearing for her safety.

Falmouth Packet: Local children and parents in 2021 with the former Meneage Road Lollipop lady Alison SauvaryLocal children and parents in 2021 with the former Meneage Road Lollipop lady Alison Sauvary
In 2021, Alison Sauvary, who had been in the post for four years said that there had been ten incidents where she feared for her safety, including having to “literally jump out of the way.”

One of them left her with whiplash and needed to see a doctor. She also received help from Victim Support as she felt nervous about returning afterwards.

Following her resignation on November 26, 2021, Alison said: “It’s the safety aspect, and there needs to be something done here about the road.”